Web: http://www.kumlander.eu

E-mail: kumlander @ gmail.com



Year of birth: 1976
Citizenship: Estonian
Status: Married




·         PhD in Software Engineering (Information Systems and Data Analysis Department)

            Technical University of Tallinn, Tallinn, Estonia                    Dec 2005

            Field of research: Maximum Clique Finding.


·         MS in Software Engineering (Data Analysis Department)

            Technical University of Tallinn, Tallinn, Estonia                    Dec 1999

            Field of research: Maximum Clique Finding.


·         BS in Software Engineering cum laude

Technical University of Tallinn, Tallinn, Estonia                    June 1998

            Diploma: Information Systems in insurance companies



·         Technology and methodology

UML, MSF, Synergy/Iterational process, Rapid development, Data Warehousing.

·         Languages

VB .Net, C# (both 2003 and 2005) including ASP.Net, VB 6

·         Databases

MS SQL Server all versions

·         Tools

Rational Rose 98, MS Project, MS Source Safe.




I have passed the following exams:

70-100 Analysing Requirements and Defining Solution Architecture

70-176 Designing and Implementing Desktop Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0

70-175 Designing and Implementing Distributed Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0

70-015 Designing and Implementing Distributed Applications with Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0

70-229 Designing and Implementing Databases with Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Enterprise Edition

70-310 Developing XML Web Services and Server Components with Microsoft® Visual Basic® .NET and the Microsoft® .NET Framework

70-320 Developing XML Web Services and Server Components with Microsoft Visual C# .NET and the Microsoft .NET Framework

70-316 Developing and Implementing Windows®-based Applications with Microsoft® Visual C#™ .NET and Microsoft® Visual Studio® .NET




Introduction: it is always hard to write an adequate text describing your involvement into different projects, so the text below is a mix of a) my believes on what I was doing b) managers expectations based on formal description of responsibilities and c) actual work I had to do.


Jun 1999 – Present    CODA Eesti (former Simple Concepts Eesti), Tallinn, Estonia


Software Architect


First of all I am responsible for defining the overall software architecture of products. Thereafter I get functional specification from business analysts and discuss those to ensure feasibility and applicability within current architecture, programming language and interface logic. Finally develop the overall software design, transfer them to the developers and lead the developing process including code writing and checking/reviewing what was written by others. The side responsibility is to develop the initial project schedule basing on high level estimation I should define by functional specification (partial or full).


Project Lead / Project Manager


Work was divided into areas of responsibilities. For some projects I was responsible for product management: have created project plan and project charter. Besides I have formalised the product management and documents required for software implementation. The second responsibility area was system design where UML is used to design object-oriented software. The last responsibility was team leader. As developer I have released some most important and complex features like strong math algorithm for payments clearance (netting). As leader I was responsible for monitoring others code and work. My project manager belongs to the mother company (before: Simple concepts Scandinavia (Stockholm), now CODA)


The branch is responsible for Microsoft technology based product. Some products use RDS technology to communication to application server, why other web services. End user interface include both standard Windows desktop one and Web UI.

Nov 1997 – Jun 1999             Claims Handling Bureau Ltd. (Leks Insurance Group), Tallinn, Estonia


IT Manager


Developed company information strategy, program writing schedule, resources using plan. Created and documented company business process. Implemented the main business points. At the moment information system consist of car, civil and traffic insurance claims handling software, claims register and some other points. During project was implemented data warehousing base: there was collected data from two joined companies and more than 5 insurance types). Information system increased productivity at 200%. Data mining from data warehouse found more than 20 new patterns of clients and markets.



Aug. 1996 – Nov. 1997          Nordika Insurance Co., Tallinn, Estonia


Software Engineer


Developed some parts of Nordika Insurance company information system. All parts were built as integrated blocks and one part includes database store with about 800 000 records. New information system project was begun: developed main strategy of information system, documented all business process with Rational Rose: completed the future information system analysis and design.




Hobbies: Chess (had a candidate to a master rank), books.



Available upon request

last updated (dd.mm.yyyy): 01.03.2008